Off-Page SEO vs On-Page SEO: What is the Difference?

SEO Divided into Two Parts :

  • On Page SEO
  • Off Page SEO

On Page SEO :- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) enhances the web traffic and rank higher.

On Page SEO means that the factors which are under control, that affects the overall ranking for the website.

It’s based both on content quality as well as HTML code. On Page SEO you can do anything on your website like:

  • Improve content quality
  • Image quality
  • Video related to content
  • Speed of site

Factors that affect On Page SEO

  1. Content Quality :- The quality of content should be high and related content is unique from others. The content has various qualities like:
    • Social engagement
    • Deep impact on users
    • Understandability
    • Informative content
  2. Internal linking :- Internal linking is helpful to rank higher to your website so that users can easily understand the content which is linked from one page to another for better understanding.
  3. Mobile Friendly :- Your website is mobile friendly so that users can easily use it on mobile devices because it is more convenient for every user.
  4. Meta Description and Meta tags :-  It is used in SEO to describe the content and related keywords. It could be images, diagrams and users clicking the keywords which ultimately related to our content.
  5. Web structure :-  Web structure is a process or way that content and pages are interconnected, through which the user can easily understand the content. It also means the design of the website. You can see the link below , easily understand the Structure of website
  6. Keyword Research :- It is the most Important tool of on page SEO. What would be the keywords? It should be optimized, means the keyword is right and according to the your content it includes like :-
    • According to content
    • Optimized
    • Engaging users easily
    • Easily understandable by usersOverall it means it improves the ranking of your website and traffic to your website.
  7. Header Tags :- H1, H2 and H3 tags are used In content writing. Basically H1 tags are used for titles. H2 tags are used for the main section of the content.H3 tags are used for subsection headings like H4, H5, and H6.
    • Example of H1 Tags:- <h1>Ultimate Guide to  On-Page SEO</h1>
    • Example of H2 tags :- 
      • <h2>Understanding Header Tags</h2>
      • <h2>Importance of Meta Tags in SEO</h2>
    • Example of H3 Tags :-
      •  <h3>What are H1 Tags?</h3>
      •  <h3>Best Practices for Using H1 Tags</h3>

Off Page SEO :- It is another Technique or strategy of SEO (Search engine optimization). It is basically not under the control of the owner. It depends on other outside factors. It is also a key factor or part of SEO Which is helpful to rank higher and increase traffic to our website.

It is helpful in creating organic traffic to our website. It is actually the things which we do outside to your website which is helpful in ranking (Search engine) and improve Domain Authority (DA) Various Examples like :

  • Guest blogging
  • Social media engagement
  • Regular content writing
  • Backlinks
  • Link building
  • Promotion
  • Submission in directories

Factors that affects Off page SEO

  1. Guest blogging :- It is the most important technique of off page SEO. In guest blogging we actually post the article or content to another website, but it is actually done by getting permission from that site. It is helpful to rank higher on a website and enhance traffic to your website.
  2. Role of Social Media :- The role of social media that affects the Overall ranking and traffic to your website. Various social media platforms like:
    • Facebook
    • Linkedin
    • Twitter
    • InstagramThe above platforms in which you post the related contents, article, images and video which attract the users into their websites.
  3. Regular content writing :- Content writing is another way to attract more and more visitors to your website which is helpful for your website. The content is related to the service you provided which is helpful for users to find solutions to their difficulties.
  4. Backlinks :- Get more backlink from the other websites. It builds the image of your brand and improves the ranking of your website, but is very difficult to get the backlinks from other websites.
  5. Link building :-  It is also a core factor that affects the  visibility of your website like:
    • Fix the broken links
  6. Promotion of your website :- Various promotion strategies are helpful for your website ranking in search engines. You can promote the related contents, article , images and video  on social media like :-
    • Facebook
    • Linkedin
    • Instagram
    • twitterAnd also another way to promote your website on Google Ads.
  7. Site submission :-  To submit the site (URL: UNIFORM RESOURCE LOCATOR) in various free or paid directories to promote the website. You can easily find site submission websites to submit the URL of your website.

At last it concludes that On page SEO and Of page SEO both are key Parts of SEO (Search Engine Optimization. It is a core component of SEO which leads to more organic traffic to websites and attracts more user websites.

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