Understanding React Portals: What, Why, and When to Use Them

React is a powerful library for building user interfaces, offering a plethora of features that simplify complex tasks. One such feature is React Portals, which provides a way to render components outside their parent DOM hierarchy. This article will delve into what React Portals are, why they are essential, and when to use them, along with some practical use cases.

What is a React Portal?

A React Portal allows you to render a component into a different part of the DOM tree, rather than the default behavior of rendering it within the parent component’s DOM hierarchy. This is achieved using the ReactDOM.createPortal function.


The basic syntax for creating a portal is:

ReactDOM.createPortal(child, container)

  • child: The React component you want to render.
  • container: The DOM element where you want the component to be rendered.

For instance, if you want to render a Modal component inside a div with the ID modal-root, you would use:

ReactDOM.createPortal(<Modal />, document.getElementById('modal-root'));

Why Do We Need React Portals?

React Portals solve several common issues that arise when dealing with certain types of UI components:

  1. Styling and Z-Index Management: Components like modals, tooltips, and dropdowns often need to appear above other elements. Portals allow these components to be rendered outside their parent components, avoiding CSS z-index issues.
  2. Event Bubbling: Some components need to handle events differently from their parent components. Portals enable these components to exist in a separate part of the DOM, which can help manage event propagation more effectively.
  3. Separation of Concerns: Portals facilitate cleaner and more maintainable code by allowing certain UI elements to be decoupled from their logical parent components.

When to Use React Portals

1. Modals

Modals need to overlay on top of other content, making them a prime candidate for portals. Without portals, managing their positioning and ensuring they appear correctly above other content can be cumbersome.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
const Modal = ({ isOpen, children }) => {
  if (!isOpen) return null;
  return ReactDOM.createPortal(
<div className="modal-overlay">
<div className="modal-content">
export default Modal;

2. Tooltips

Tooltips need to appear above the content they are associated with, which can be challenging if they are deeply nested within the DOM. Using portals, you can ensure tooltips are rendered at the top level, preventing overflow issues.

3. Dropdowns

Dropdowns, like modals and tooltips, need to manage their position relative to other elements. Portals help avoid CSS conflicts and overflow issues, making dropdowns more reliable.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
const Tooltip = ({ text, target }) => {
  return ReactDOM.createPortal(
<div className="tooltip" style={{ top: target.top, left: target.left }}>
export default Tooltip;

React Portals provide a robust solution for rendering components outside their parent DOM hierarchy, addressing styling, event handling, and separation of concerns issues. They are particularly useful for UI elements like modals, tooltips, and dropdowns, ensuring these components behave as expected across different parts of your application. By leveraging portals, developers can create more maintainable and flexible React applications.

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